Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Big Sekowsky: This Dude Abides!

April 2010 has turned into Mike Sekowsky Month for me. After the rollicking good time known as the graphic novel compilation CRISIS ON MULTIPLE EARTHS, reprinting mid-1960s JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA stories, I'm reading SHOWCASE JLA VOL. 1 which is wall-to-wall Sekowsky. Or maybe the phrase is wall-to-off-the-wall Sekowsky.

I should extend the tribute to Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky Month because the writing is top-notch in a loopy/campy/surreal vein and it's obvious to me now (finally!) where Stan Lee got some of his writing tricks. Lee took it up a notch, but there's definitely a sense of mirth running through these JLAs that anticipated Marvel (the ancient turtle known as "Old Ironhead," anyone?) and some Marvel words such as "magneto" (here it's the magneto-bubble gun).

The Fox/Sekowsky JLA smackdown: highly recommended, folks!

By the way, if you're wondering who that non-superhero dude in the bottom right corner is, that's SNAPPER CARR, a James Dean-esque hipster beatnik dude with the crazy lingo who is "an honorary JLA member." Like, wow, Daddy-O!

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