And no, the fact that "Menthor: The Motion Picture" is in development had nothing to do with Tower Comics decision to bring Menthor back.
(Now if only someone would bring Tower Comics back from the dead, that'd be a stunt!)
Publisher of the funniest humor comics, including PELICAN BASTARDS, THOSE UNSTOPPABLE ROGUES, the EL GATO, CRIME MANGLER and TROLLS series, GREENBLATT THE GREAT!,THE WAR ON DENTAL, PROF. MRS. MINIVER (featuring LINCOLN HORSE) and other comic books by MICHAEL AUSHENKER. TWITTER: @CARTOONFLOPHOUS FACEBOOK: /CartoonFlophouse IG: /CartoonFlophouseComics and /MichaelAushenker PAYPAL: chipmunksandsquirrels@yahoo.com MAIL/ORDER: MICHAEL AUSHENKER, P.O. BOX 3143, VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 93006
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