Most of the usual suspects were there: Rafael and his lovely wife, Irma, GHOULA (Ghost Hunters of Urban L.A.) leaders Rich Carradine and Lisa Strouss, Mike Wellman of The Comic Bug, Ruben, Lee, Tony frakkin' Saxxon! Navarro's original art, fetching thousands, plastered GEEKS walls like a bunch of congressmen after a martini lunch. Beautiful SONAMBULO art wreaking of cigarette smoke, tequila breath, gun powder and the scent of Femme Fatale (Christian Dior? Or is that Calvin Klein?)

Thanks for my buddy, JAVIER HERNANDEZ (pictured here in the middle), who had just conducted his DIY Comics panel earlier that day, I met this happenin' couple, Arvie and Adonna of AGIMAT COMICS. They are in the midst of pioneering comics for the iPhone (and iPhone-ish) applications. You'll be hearing a lot about these two movers-and-shakers soon, but in the meantime, go back to strumming your fake guitar to Beatles Rock Band or....much better yet....check out Arvie's daily web comic strip, SHADOW CANDY.
i love Shadow Candy!
That was a good night. And for once I wasn't the freak wearing the face paint! Haha! But I was the freak wearing the red cowboy hat. *sigh* It was good seeing you there, too.
Thanks, Amy!
No need for face paint, you wore that red cowboy hat well. You're like Tyler Perry: You can do bad all by yourself!
See you Sunday at GHOULA's Patrick's Roadhouse spectacular!
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